
10 business ideas for after COVID 19

POR Hispanic Entrepreneurs May 06, 2021
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The pandemic, as well as it has generated a crisis in the economy, has caused the emergence of business opportunities to meet the needs it has caused. Hispanic Entrepreneurs Presents you 10 business ideas for after COVID 19 so that you take note and undertake.

Scenario left by COVID 19

The virus marked a before and after in the world. It forced to modify the working day and strengthened the telework modality to keep companies afloat. It also gave rise to a change in consumer habits due to confinement restrictions.

Businesses turned to provide solutions especially for the needs of personal well-being, education, leisure and food.

10 business ideas for after COVID 19

With the COVID 19 crisis, businesses emerged that have covered the needs of the population during the quarantine and that will remain for a long time.

These are the 10 business ideas for after COVID 19:

1-Online training: Although it is not a recent discovery, online training grew enormously, it was promoted and promoted the digitization of face-to-face courses. In addition, free time for people increased and that prompted them to take part in this option.

This sector has great development opportunities because it uses the great advantages of virtuality to offer any type of training, whether it be from educational centers or companies in general.

Those related to the creation of multimedia content will especially benefit,communication or videoconferencing tools that allow classes such as Zoom to be taught. In addition, with the creation of virtual campuses and companies with teaching staff to give remote attention to students.

2-Logistics: Online shopping has increased by at least 75% during the quarantine, so the need for more distributed, coordinated and traceable sourcing has grown. That is why the creation of platforms that use specialized technology with the idea of ​​linking consumers and suppliers benefits. To those related to delivery, sustainable parcels and online stores.

3-Delivery y Take Away: At this time, the demand for take away or home food has also increased. In this case, apart from benefiting the restaurant, businesses that produce sustainable packaging and food traceability can also take advantage of the moment, because customers are increasingly demanding.

4-Tools for telework: The introduction of teleworking in the vast majority of companies has led to the emergence of businesses that offer communication management tools between employees and work teams. You can develop a consulting business with training services that guide companies to establish remote or freelance work protocols. Those of specialized software and teamwork tools, as well as video conferencing platforms are profitable businesses to start.

Food and health are good ideas

5-Healthy food: After the pandemic, the trend of taking care of health will continue, this has become a priority. So healthy food continues to gain adherents, each time the consumer demands healthier food in shops and restaurants. So the sale of natural products and healthy food at home are business ideas that have a present and a future.

6-Sustainable business: The march of green businesses has not stopped with the pandemic. Governments' commitment to sustainable development will continue to be in vogue for decades to come. In this way, we must take advantage of the opportunities that arise in this environment.

7-Security in connections: With teleworking, cyber attacks on companies also increase because employees connect from home networks and personal computers.

This is why the need arises for these companies to proceed to protect their sensitive data. Therein lies the relevance of creating businesses related to teleworking securityfocused on aspects such as firewalls, backups, VPN, antivirus, among others.

Hispanic Entrepreneurs Magazine

8-Access to health: With the saturation of hospitals during the pandemic, the online diagnostic service emerged and this is a trend that continues. There are already telemedicine platforms that make real-time diagnoses. From there comes the business opportunity to do analysis from home and the combination of diagnostics with artificial intelligence: big data and complex data management come into play.

9-Entertainment and education: Having children at home all the time is becoming a challenge. Many educational platforms for children are offering premium content. But this trend will continue post-pandemic, so it is time to undertake entertainment related to education aimed at children.

10-Personal well-being: Another of the iIdeal post-COVID 19 business ideas to develop is personal well-being. This is a priority for almost everyone, but it goes beyond physical beauty. In this sense, it is a good opportunity to attack the niche of activities such as meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, beauty centers that offer natural treatments and the production of eco-friendly cosmetics.