The power is in our hands; This is a statement that, although it has many connotations today, can save our lives and that of our loved ones, just by following rules such as washing hands correctly to prevent Covid-19.
Washing hands is one of the recommendations made by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF to prevent and avoid the spread of the Covid-19 virus also known as Coronavirus.
But why is it so important? Respiratory viruses like this are easily contagious and the way to enter our body is through mucus or drops through the eyes, nose or throat; which are usually in our hands and can pass from one person to another quickly.
The right way to wash your hands
According to UNICEF keeping hands clean is the simplest, cheapest and fastest way to avoid spreading the virus. However, it is a task that must be done correctly to ensure optimal results.
Therefore, it is imprint that has a duration of 20 to 30 seconds minimum, take into account that soap should be used and clean both the back, palm, thumbs and even under the nails.
In the case of using antibacterial gel or alcohol to get rid of yourself, take into account also lasting at least 20 seconds in the process and in both cases, you should dry your hands well with a clean towel or disposable cloths.
At what point should I wash my hands?
Whenever you sneeze, after coughing or when you blow your nose, also when you have contact with surfaces outside your home, when you come from public places and if you come into contact with people with flu symptoms, also after eating or going to the bathroom.
If you want to stay informed on this topic you can read Hispanic Entrepreneurs.