
How do you know if you are an entrepreneur?

POR Hispanic Entrepreneurs Jan 31, 2022
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To venture to participate in the world of entrepreneurship we must have some basic characteristics. You have to know that not everyone is made to be, but how do you know if you are an entrepreneur? In Hispanic Entrepreneurs We have given ourselves the task of collecting all the data so that you can check if you are in this select group. 

What is an entrepreneur?

Although entrepreneurship is a global trend today, it is not as easy as it seems. This implies much more than the creation of a business, since it carries risks and obstacles must be overcome as in any company. 

An entrepreneur is a person who knew how to detect opportunities in his environment and provide an innovative solution to a problem. He carries out the project by his own means, looking for a way to materialize it. There are social, cultural, and political entrepreneurs, among others. 

Likewise, it can be undertaken within the company where you work when looking for an innovative solution for the work you do. Example of entrepreneurship is Bill Gates with Microsoft, also Steve Jobs with Apple, Jeff Bezos with Amazon and Mark Zuckenberg (Facebook). As well as Jack Ma with Ali Baba and Elon Musk (Tesla). They all created an empire with an innovative idea.

An entrepreneur has to, in addition to identifying the business opportunity, seek the resources to develop it. Design and apply a business plan, hire the required human resources and assume leadership of the project. Even take responsibility if you have this succeeds or fails.  

How do you know if you are an entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur must be innovative, resourceful, passionate and knows how to take advantage of opportunities. But to know if this is in your DNA you have to meet the following characteristics.

1-You have initiative

Without this ingredient the ideas will not develop. Being an entrepreneur means that you should not wait for things to happen by themselves. You have to go out and find financing, alliances and everything you need to make your idea a reality.

2-You prioritize freedom 

While most are satisfied with a salary, the entrepreneur does everything possible to be independent. It is his goal to have the freedom to build his projects taking the risks that are necessary to achieve it. 

3-You have a talent that is in high demand

To be successful you have to possess a skill, passion or talent that you can share and add value to the lives of others. The success or failure of the idea is largely defined by the value it offers to the market. 

In case you do not have talent or ability, it will be the passion that will determine the success of the business. Being motivated and proactive by the desire to do what you like and meet the objectives is also an essential ingredient. 

4-You are creative

The ability to observe is the basis for innovation. This unique vision will allow you to focus on every detail to offer added value that makes you stand out. You will adapt very well to entrepreneurship if you are a lover of design, music, writing or another highly creative activity.

Creativity will make you come up with unconventional solutions, these are the most successful. You see opportunities where the rest only points to chaos. But not only do you need creativity to start, it is also necessary to expand because the world keeps changing and having new ideas is mandatory. 

5-You are not afraid of risks

Managing risks and uncertainty when setting up a business is essential to being an entrepreneur. Getting afloat will depend on you knowing how to execute the project because you will not have a company to support you. 

6-You do not like what is established

If you are generally wondering why others do certain things and you strive to improve everything, then you fit into this world. Another symptom is if you are willing to transform a reality through your ideas. 

7- You believe in yourself and your ideas

An entrepreneur must be optimistic, have confidence in what he is doing and what you want to achieve. You must be clear that the road is long, the important thing is to insist and get up after each fall to continue towards the goal. Learn something new or complement what you already know to correct.

8-You are persistent

Not giving up easily is one of the pillars of the true entrepreneur. Along the way to see your idea materialized, you will surely come across a litany of “no”. But if you do not accept them and you succeed, you will pass the litmus test with high marks. The essential thing is to maintain focus and adapt to changes.

9-You have communication skills

If you like people and have no problem communicating, you are already one step ahead in the business world. Having no limitations in socializing and establishing solid relationships in a short time will help you achieve important negotiations. Besides, you will close deals that will strengthen and grow the business. 

10- You are born leader

What distinguishes a good entrepreneur is being a leader, someone who inspires and not just a boss. You will meet the requirement knowing how to communicate your ideas, encouraging your team and recognizing their merits. At the same time, you will enhance their talent to delegate when required. The idea is that you are able to surround yourself with people as capable or more capable than you.

11-You appreciate smart work

When looking for tools and strategies that optimize time to be able to cover more tasks quickly, it indicates that you meet one of the requirements. Working smart guarantees better results in everything you do. The digital transformation of entrepreneurs is vital for their development. 

12-You do the dirty work

Doing the work that no one else wants to do or that no one else does is a sign of entrepreneurship. Calling a client, improvising in a presentation is a sample of what you are capable of doing to consolidate the business plan you have created. They simply have the decision-making “switch” turned on as this business requires. 

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