
Tips for managing marketing campaigns during COVID-19

POR Hispanic Entrepreneurs Apr 30, 2020
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The impact of COVID-19 on companies is enormous, but as the days pass we adapt to better face the situation. This time, in Hispanic Entrepreneurs we share some tips for managing marketing campaigns during this crisis. Keep reading and learn more about the Google experience with these recommendations.

Facing unknown challenges

If there is one thing that all marketing workers agree on, it is the unprecedented situation we find ourselves in. As companies we must have a manual to handle the digital crises that the brand faces. But even in these guides we could not have foreseen what happens at this time.

The coronavirus crisis affects everyone and forced us to change our priorities not only as consumers, but as companies. So the ability to react and adapt to what happens will make the difference between companies that overcome this situation and those that do not.

Changes in the market are abrupt, but we can learn a lot from the current situation. One of the tips that has been repeated from the beginning is to invest more in digital marketing. And if you already do, you need to frequently evaluate the campaigns that are active and adjust them to what is happening.

To help companies in this transition, Google shared their experience by sharing the five principles guiding the media team. These recommendations come from the company's own experience and can serve as a guide.

Below, we explain each of the Goolge points that will help you manage your business through the challenges that arise.

Principles for managing marketing campaigns

The consequences of the pandemic do not discriminate between large and small companies. But with the right approach and adapting the marketing strategy it will be possible to overcome the crisis. In addition to leaving renewed and with a clearer perspective on how to face the problems that arise from now on.

Google's example of how it manages its media can help you. Learn more about it below.

Confidence in the local market

When making decisions about your campaigns you have to focus on the local context. This is done even by Google, which is a company that is worldwide.

The reality that surrounds each company is unique, so you have to understand what is happening around you. From that information provided by the market in which you operate, you will decide if the campaign is suitable or not.

Under these circumstances it is likely that you have a campaign in progress or close to launching it and something happens that forces you to change it. To know what suits you, you must be aware of local news, these are the ones that have a direct impact on your business.

It is also necessary to document all the decisions you make so that you learn from them.

Constant evaluation

The only sure thing at the moment are the changes, no matter what you do or where you are. Hence, it is necessary to frequently evaluate marketing campaigns and overall strategy. Because what you approve today maybe next week is no longer convenient.

Check review all points of contact between the brand and customers to determine if the message is appropriate to the context. If a modification is necessary make it before continuing with the campaign.

Review the elements of the creatives

Within the same framework of reviews you have to evaluate in detail each element of the campaign and the different creatives.

With this Google refers to the tone of the message, the texts, images, distribution channels, keywords, etc. It is important to do so because an element - such as a phrase - that seemed appropriate a month ago, is not appropriate today.

For example, in the current context, it is necessary to avoid messages that encourage physical contact, such as hugs or handshakes.

Change priorities

A key point at the moment to overcome the crisis is to evaluate our priorities and direct them to what is most important. If you are attentive to what is happening in the local market, you will know beforehand what consumers need, what they are looking for. Ask yourself then how your brand can be useful and if it is necessary to reallocate the budget.

Offer your help

Google emphasizes that this is a time when we must help each other. So it is necessary to determine what your business has to offer society, how it can help you overcome this situation where uncertainty is the order of the day.

And with this, not only is reference made to help the consumer, collaboration with other brands is also important.

Apply these recommendations as a guide to manage marketing campaigns during COVID-19. The key is to know how to adapt, in addition to always maintaining open communication between the team and with consumers. At this time you will understand more than before the importance of understanding and helping your market.