Would you like start a cleaning business in Los Angeles? In this opportunity, Hispanic Entrepreneurs We detail the licenses and permits you need. As well as other requirements that you must meet to start working in this field.
Choose the commercial entity and register the company
Before going into details about the licenses to open a cleaning companyLet's see some preliminary steps that you must take to start the company.
The first thing is to choose the type of business entity that the company will have. Although you can do it as a sole proprietorship or general partnership, for this type of business it is advisable to opt for an entity that protect personal liability, like a corporation or limited liability company.
The reason for doing so is that the risks of accidents to workers or third parties or of damaging the property of others increase with a cleaning business. In the event of any mishap that leads to a lawsuit, the responsibility falls on the company and not the owner.
Remember that the type of company you choose will also depend on how you pay taxes. For this reason it is always advisable to seek advice.
After choosing the type of company it is time to register it. Through this process, the business license is obtained and it is done at the local and Los Angeles County level. If you are going to incorporate a corporation, a limited liability company or a partnership, you must also do so before the California Secretary of State.
Obtain the Employer Identification Number
To start a cleaning business in Los Angeles you must also apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) even if you are not hiring employees.
You can request this number online from the IRS and it will be necessary for certain procedures such as opening a business bank account.
What licenses do I need to start a cleaning business in Los Angeles?
The requirements you need to start operating your business depend on where it is located. Research the city, county and state for complete information.
The California government maintains the website Calgold where you can consult this information. You just have to enter the web, enter the city or county where you will open the company and the type of business. Then everything you need will appear.
The requirements for starting a cleaning business in Los Angeles can vary from city to city within the same county.
Next, we specify some of the permits and licenses that you must process.
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Each city will require a business license from companies operating within its geographic limits. Also, you may need to obtain a license from the county.
Business license
Then the question arises how to get a cleaning license in Los Angeles. To do this, you must go to the municipal secretary and check what the requirements are.
As mentioned in the previous sections, corporations, limited liability companies and partnerships must also register with the Secretary of State.
Fictitious trade name or business statement such as
In Los Angeles County, you must submit a Fictitious Business Name (FBN) or Doing Business As (DBA) in the following cases:
- When the business name does not include the surname of the individual owners or partners.
- If the name of the company suggests the existence of other owners.
- Or if the nature of the business is not clear from the name.
The FBN or DBA is registered in both the city and the county.
Hazardous waste management program
It is possible that a company that has cleaning license handle or generate hazardous materials. In this case, the county requires that a hazardous materials and waste management program be submitted.
General Stormwater Permit for Industrial Activities
Companies that provide maintenance and cleaning services in Los Angeles must comply with stormwater waste discharge requirements. This procedure is done before the California Water Resources Control Board.
Injury and Illness Prevention Plan
This is another requirement that is enforced at the state level when the cleaning and maintenance company hires employees. The intention of this plan is to recognize the existing risks in the work area; as well as applying actions to reduce unsafe conditions.
For information on the occupational health and safety plan, you can consult the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
State EPA Identification Number
This is a requirement for companies that generate, deliver to be transported, transport, treat or dispose of hazardous waste. You can check with the California Department of Toxic Substance Control Generators Information Services.
Waste discharge permit
Any activity that discharges waste that can affect water quality is required.
Other requirements that the cleaning company must meet are:
- Land use permit.
- Workers' Compensation Insurance.
- File state income taxes.
- Registration form for employers.
If you are going to start a cleaning business in Los Angeles, these are the licenses and permits you need. Remember to check the conditions in your city for more specific information.
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