When you think about starting a business, you must analyze all the variables and opt for an idea that can generate profits. That is how Hispanic Entrepreneurs will name you some of themThe most profitable businesses in the USA. All this to have some guarantee that the company will be successful.
All businesses require a significant investment of time and money, as well as dedication. Therefore, it is best to bet on successful business ideas that will serve as a starting point to achieve your goals.
Also take advantage of the fact that startups in the United States have an ideal environment to develop implementing some strategies. The main thing is to choose a business model that has a return on investment. So turn your attention to businesses that have proven profitable.
The most profitable businesses in the USA
To give you an idea of the businesses that are currently being developed with great projection, we name the following:
1-Food business
Being a basic human need, selling food will always be profitable. The food company in the USA generates trillions of dollars and for this reason it is the most sought after by entrepreneurs.
Although it has risks, food stalls are good business and can be adapted to changes. You could offer catering service, set up a food truck, and even sell candy.
In this last line, Jennifer DeChant took a risk by setting up Bath Sweet Shoppe in Maine, which has become a success. Customers can place their orders through the website.
Likewise, it must be taken into account in the case of food trucks that millennials are their most assiduous consumers. According to the Goldman Sachs firm, the buyers are between 15 and 35 years old. They look for brands and concepts that focus on healthy products that respect the environment. So you should not neglect this aspect, remember that the new gourmet experience is outside the restaurants.
2-Cleaning service
With the pandemic, the demand for this service has increased and not many things are needed to start a company in this field. Just proper equipment, transportation, products, and a website. But remember that it is very competitive, so you must compete for the quality of the work.
Among the services you can offer are deep cleaning, gardening and decoration agencies. Companies in this industry such as Corporate Cleaning Inc., which operates in Columbus, indicate that demand has increased for commercial buildings and medical facilities.
While, UniStar reported that due to the high demand they have hired additional workers and ensure that customers request deep cleaning service more frequently since the start of the pandemic.
3-Online courses
It is an easy and affordable alternative. In these times education is highly valuedTherefore, people have turned to taking courses taking advantage of the time they spend at home. Take advantage and create your online course on a topic that you handle. It can be teaching another language or English, the latter aimed especially at migrants.
Courses in writing, real estate, finance, mechanics, etc. are also viable. There are many platforms where you have the option to sell the course online. An example that this industry has consolidated is the growth of Coursera.
The case of Ubits, which provides online corporate training in Latin America, can also be taken as an example. It offers a catalog of 350 courses in soft and technical skills in Spanish.
4-Personal care
Don't forget that no matter where people live or their income level they will always need personal care items. Shampoo, face creams, soaps, lotions and toothpaste are the best sellers.
In this case you will have to comply with certificates and authorizations of the competent authorities. Especially if the business is related to the application of products on the body and face.
The impact of covid-19 made the Mexican-American Sandra Velázquez start her soap business in New York. His brand is called Nopalera, as it is inspired by the nopal and Mexican culture.
The production began in his apartment and today the product is sold in luxury stores and more than 200 independent establishments. The soap is handmade and artisan mixing nopal, eucalyptus and May flower.
5-Website design
Nowadays any company requires a website, which is why the demand for web designers has increased. If you are creative and you are into design, you can try a small company that offers this service.
Fetch: Branding & Marketing was created by sisters Olivia Hutchison and Brianna Goad in Tennessee to take advantage of the niche that was opened in the pandemic. They helped small businesses by offering website design and go-to-market solutions to have an online presence. With reasonable prices.
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It is a profitable business that has a low cost to start and you can do it from your home. Web design can generate between 5 and 10 dollars.
6-Interpreter and translation service
This is one of the profitable businesses in the United States most in demand because it is one of the countries where languages and cultures converge the most. Professional translation service generally generates good income.
It is an excellent option for those who speak at least two languages. The main thing is to master the language to win the trust of customers for the quality of work. Apart from handling them at the university level as requested by the American Translators Association.
Since 2017, a study indicates that the greatest demand for bilingual personnel in the United States is required in customer service, health, sales and education. Also in administrative tasks, translation and construction.
Other bilingual jobs have even emerged in the wake of the pandemic as a contact tracker or giving online information about the vaccine. Another niche that can be attacked is that of the courts where interpreters are needed, especially English-Spanish.
Another important point to consider is that offering services in languages other than English is contemplated in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that between 2018 and 2028 the career of interpreter or translator will grow by at least 18 %.
It is essential to choose a field of specialization such as medical, legal or financial area and define if you are going to offer your services as a translator or interpreter. The first focuses on transcribing written documents from one language to another. Whereas, interpreter refers to verbally transmitting what people say.
There are job opportunities in hospitals, doctor's offices, school systems, and conference centers for interpreters. For translators in private or government agencies or offices, law firms, human resources departments. As well as in marketing, advertising and the media.
7-Delivery services
With a reliable vehicle and a previous study of the commercial area close to where you live, you could implement a home delivery business. As consumers fear to leave their homes has increased, most businesses have adopted the home delivery service. This sector has been one of the most benefited by the health crisis.
The growth is certified by Grub South, one of the largest delivery companies in Alabama. They have had to hire new drivers and they plan to add more to meet the demand.
8-Care of children or older adults
Regardless of the city; child and elderly care represents a profitable business opportunity. It is expensive due to the high degree of specialization that you need and that is why a certification is required to be able to work in the area.
However, starting your own care agency can be a great opportunity to generate good income. Apart from growing economically, it will allow you to do it personally by interacting with customers.
Taking into account the data provided by the licensing agencies in Hillsborough and Pinellas counties that there are not enough staff, take advantage of this gap. Offer your services to those parents who need a place to leave their child in order to work.
9-Pet care
Focus on the care, training and protection of pets and you will have many clients. It is a business in constant movement and growth. It has multiple services that you can develop that range from walking them, entertaining them, bathing them and taking care of them while their owners travel. It is good to grow at your own pace and to have your own schedule.
Statistics indicate that many people have added a pet to their time in quarantine, mostly dogs and cats. The more there is, the greater the expense, reinforcing the profitability of the sector. The market is expected to grow 5% annually until 2025.
A successful case of this branch is PetPlate who is dedicated to selling healthy food for pets at home in New York. It is freshly made and personalized. The customer can subscribe for months or a year and choose the dishes that the animal likes the most. They distribute it in reusable containers.
Playdate, for example, designed the Ketchup On ball that has a video camera for you to interact with your pet. You can do it from a mobile application and it costs $ 149.
Maintenance companies require specialization and demanding quality processes. It is about providing services so that the furniture or machinery is kept in optimal condition.
If you don't stop yourself from doing manual work, this idea is good for you. There will constantly be people or businesses that need to repair lights, pipes, clean pipes or swimming pools, change carpets, etc. Jobs in this sector can average $ 18.78 per hour.
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