
How to make the business plan for a cleaning company?

POR Hispanic Entrepreneurs Apr 04, 2023

In this new post we explain how to do the business plan for a cleaning company. Paying enough attention to the development of this document will lay the foundation for a successful business.

Before, you will want to investigate how to open a cleaning business, what licenses do you need, the types of services you can offer. You will need all this information to create your work plan.

A business plan sets the path of work that the company will follow. This document is prepared before you open the business, however, it accepts revisions once you start operating. That is, you can make adjustments so that the company is on the right foot.

Advantages of opening a cleaning company

Before talking about him business plan of a cleaning company o cleaning Agency, Let's review what its advantages are.

  1. You will not need a large start-up capital. Cleaning businesses are the kind that you can start with little money.
  2. Also, you can start from your own home and grow from there.
  3. On the other hand, they have a high earning potential; depending - in part - on the niche you decide to serve.
  4. In that sense, there are a wide number of services in which you can specialize.
  5. And, in addition, you can add additional services to generate more income.
  6. Unlike other businesses, it is possible to start making a profit within a few weeks of starting.

Learn to develop a business plan for a cleaning company

Every company must develop a business plan, although this is not a legal requirement to start. Through this document you will know the state of the market; It will define the processes of the company and what it must do to position itself; It will detail the resources you have and what you need, etc.

Next, we explain what you must take into account to prepare this document.

Do a market study

To invest in a business you need to know the industry and your competition. By handling the details you will have the opportunity to raise a clearer idea for your business. In other words, you will know what you are up against in order to define your advantages and challenges.

Market research will help you, for example, to discover the most profitable market niches.

In the cleaning business, competition is high. You have to face other companies and even people who decide to do the work themselves. But there are also many opportunities to position yourself with competitive prices; specialize in a niche, such as window cleaning, or using eco-friendly products.

Come up with your business idea

At this point you detail your business idea. You have to go beyond alone servicio of limpieza, you specify what problem you are going to solve and how you will do it. This is the moment to consider what makes you unique, the value proposition of a cleaning company.

Indicate who your clients will be: businesses, industries, private homes, hotels, clinics, educational centers, neighborhood communities, etc.

You also specify the types of services you will provide. It may be that you dedicate yourself to doing general cleanings after events. Or that you prefer to work under a regular cleaning contract.

You can also add special and complementary services such as pest control or upholstery cleaning.

Establish the business model

Do you want to buy a cleaning franchise? Are you going to take over just the management of the company or will you also dedicate yourself to cleaning?

These are points that you should make clear and that will also help you define what the legal structure will be.

In the same way, you have to indicate how the operating process will be; how many staff are you going to hire; the tasks that each one will perform; schedules, etc.

Economic and operational resources

You will have to determine how much money you need to start your cleaning business. This will depend on the type of business, as well as the equipment to start.

If you are starting the business on your own, the startup capital may be low. You can start from your own home, thus saving on rental and storage expenses. On the other hand, if you opt for a franchise, the investment will be much higher.

On the other hand there is the necessary equipment to start trading. This should also be included in the business plan for a cleaning company. Doing a quick review you will need a transport vehicle, cleaning products, disinfectants, mops, garbage bags, among others.

Marketing plan of a cleaning company

You must also develop the marketing plan. This includes defining the price of your services and how you are going to get customers, among other tasks.

Thanks to technology, they can come up with a marketing strategy with limited resources. Among the most effective strategies today is having a website, paid online ads, and social media.

Other equally important aspects to include in the business plan for a cleaning company are the licenses you need and the forms of financing. The clearer the document, the greater the chances of success. If you need advice, contact Hispanic Entrepreneurs.