Supporting the local economy begins with the purchase you make in stores in your neighborhood. But beyond that Why support local businesses? En Hispanic Entrepreneurs We explain the most important reasons to do so.
We must be clear that a local business is one that is not part of a franchise, chain or non-profit organization. In addition, it has less than 5 physical stores per market and does not have an exclusive presence on the internet.
They maintain a close connection with the community in which they are settled and use social media to strengthen it. Above all, through Facebook.
Why support local businesses?
There are many reasons to support the businesses that are close to you, especially now that they have been affected by the pandemic. They are one of the fundamental bases of our community. Having bakeries, pastry shops, hairdressers, and restaurants, activate the economic movement in the surroundings.
By cooperating with these, which are mostly startups, you help them generate employment while obtaining quality and fresher products.
The money you contribute when buying stays in the area making it richer in some way. Because generally, businesses make contributions to the community to beautify it and keep it safe. They support neighborhood festivities and often set aside some of their earnings to carry on these traditions. They give life to the localities.
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Local commerce is also important because they are supplied with local products and this supports the producers of the region. On the other hand, having one in your community saves you money on travel. The purchase becomes ecological by not using the vehicle, lowering pollution levels.
You also spend less time getting what you need and even at better prices. Many of the businesses have the option of ordering online, local pickup, or delivery.
The owners of the shops are your neighbors and as they know you they can advise you to bring what is best for you. They are experts in what they sell and they know what is most useful to you. They provide more personalized attention.
They promote a sustainable, fairer and balanced economy. When they receive profits, they invest them in articles or services in the same area, stimulating the development of others. Besides, it gives character and prosperity to the neighborhood.
More reasons to help local businesses
Due to the proximity that the owners have with the residents, they have the opportunity to try the products. Option that they will not have in foreign businesses or when you buy online.
They even function as meeting points. Neighbors meet in the premises, which encourages interaction and discussion about what is happening in the environment. This strengthens the ties between the inhabitants and mainly favors the elderly.
It encourages diversity by establishing different areas in the neighborhood, giving a heterogeneous offer. At the same time, it encourages community members to create ventures because their inhabitants support them.
On the other hand, taxes paid by local businesses to governments are used to finance public schools, roads, parks, etc. These funds also help pay the salaries of public workers, such as police and firefighters.
How to support local businesses?
The first thing is to buy in the neighborhood stores, from local artisans and entrepreneurs. Promote them and tell your circle of friends and acquaintances the benefits of each one.
If they have social media repost their posts, comment on them and “like” them to interact with their content. Share your experience with the products and request support to increase your sales.
Advise owners when noticing any flaws. Offer them your knowledge if you handle the area that needs adjustments.