When you prepare to undertake, you must be clear that success does not always come the first attempt. In fact, most companies do not exceed the first five years of life. But why a business idea fails? In Hispanic Entrepreneurs We look at the most common reasons why this occurs.
The startup abandonment rate is high
Having a good business idea and enthusiasm to make it come true is not enough to get you through the initial stage. Gather knowledge about the market; learn to run a business; get ahead of the competition's reaction; have a solid business model… this is all part of what you will need to be successful.
Perhaps more entrepreneurs than you think fail in the early stages of the business. Specialists agree that the abandonment rate for a new company is around 90%.
Understand why ventures fail And trying to avoid the same mistakes will put you closer to your goal. However, it is not a guarantee either. This does not have to be bad news, because from the mistakes you make you will learn to improve and reinvent yourself.
If today you realized that your product did not solve any problem for the consumer, in the next opportunity you will know that you need to analyze the needs of the market.
Some reasons entrepreneurs quit include not seeing results in the short term. You have to understand that even if you invest in the best entrepreneurship ecosystem Results will take time, but you must keep working on them.
Other reasons are lack of knowledge and starting a business for the wrong reasons. What will prevent you from taking the right steps to bring the company to success.
Why does a business idea fail?
No entrepreneur wants to throw away their idea after investing in it. But, as we saw before, it is very common for it to occur. Knowing what the most frequent causes of failure are can help you avoid it.
Poor planning
Having a business plan is vital for any business. If yours is deficient or you don't have it at all, the chance that the business will not survive is very high.
This plan gathers basic information such as short and long term goals; the target audience; competitive analysis; expenses; income forecasts; marketing strategy, and more.
You have to study the market and evaluate your business. With the data you collect, you will have a clearer strategy and a stronger foundation.
Your business idea does not respond to a market emergency
One of the causes of business failure new is that it does not respond to consumer needs. You may have a very good idea, but if it doesn't solve a problem for the target audience, no one will invest in it.
It has to do with the lack of planning. You must know well the pain points of the public, what problem solves your product or service. From there, make the necessary changes and find your place in the market.
Marketing failures
If nobody knows you, how are you going to get clients? Start promoting yourself from day one, even earlier; pre-launch campaigns generate buzz and capture the public's attention.
Combine digital and traditional marketing within your strategy to have a greater reach.
Choose the wrong location
For a business to be successful it must be where its customers are or you will not get sales. This shows once again the importance of knowing the market and consumer habits.
Don't be afraid to invest more in a better location, but one that guarantees you to be closer to the target customer.
Lack of differentiation
Analyze your product and answer honestly how it differs from other similar ones. You must find something that distinguishes it from others, that makes the customer choose to buy yours and not the competition's. This is your value proposition.
You want to do it all
Another reason for why do businesses fail is that the entrepreneur tries to do everything himself. You have to learn to delegate tasks and leave them in areas of specialists in each area.
In this sense, several aspects must be clear. First of all the lack of knowledge, you may not know how to run a business or how to advertise, hire people to do this job.
On the other hand, there is always room for training. Provide training to the team and yourself, advise yourself and learn about those areas in which you lack knowledge.
Lack of capital
If you don't have enough capital to start the business and meet expenses while you start to make a profit, you are on your way to failure. Do the math well, if you don't know how to do it, seek expert advice.
When calculating the capital you need, include the initial investment, the interest on the financing you receive and the expenses that you will have for at least one year.
Finally, remember that the possibility of not being successful the first time is always an action. You must know how to act and what to do if the business fails.
We hope we've answered your question about why a business idea fails. If you want to increase the chances of success, get advice.