From Hispanic Entrepreneurs we will talk about some actions to promoting a Hispanic restaurant during the pandemic. The gastronomic industry has been one of the hardest hit, but with the reopening of the premises, a new opportunity arises. To take advantage of it you must know what to do to attract customers.
Keep customers informed
If you have already opened your restaurant or are preparing to do so, you must recognize the importance of maintaining contact with customers. Communicate with them to stay present in their minds, so when they decide to go out to eat your place will always be an option for them.
You have at your disposal your website, social networks, email, among other digital channels to promote your business. Some traditional actions such as delivering person-to-person flyers are not recommended because they involve contact. So make the most of the internet tools to prepare your restaurant facing the crisis.
FOR reopen a restaurant during the pandemic you must follow certain guidelines. In Tennessee, for example, they are only allowed to work at half capacity; In addition, self-service options and those that involve contact as a buffet should be avoided. We also recommend offering contactless payment options.
Your clients are interested in knowing what you are doing to protect them and your employees and if you are following the established guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Therefore you have to keep them updated on the reality facing your business. In the same way you need to promote it, remind them that you are there and encourage them to return to the premises or order food from your restaurant.
How to promote a Hispanic restaurant during the pandemic?
To face the current situation and ensure that your business continues, you need to promote it. Even if you are still closed and preparing to return, you must take action to make your customers remember you.
The same circumstances imposed by the pandemic have made digital channels the main means of communication. Although there are also other ways to do it offline.
Here are some recommendations for promote a small food business in times of coronavirus.
1. Partner with other entrepreneurs
If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is to join forces for the same objective. This applies to business and the food industry. All were hit by the crisis and had to close for a time due to the coronavirus.
So right now everyone understands the situation that others are going through. It is a good time to partner with other owners and set a common goal. They can organize charitable activities, helping others and letting them know they are there for them.
2. Take advantage of email marketing campaigns
Email campaigns are a low-cost way to promote your restaurant; especially at this time when many are experiencing financial difficulties. It is an effective strategy and it is not complicated to implement thanks to the tools offered by the internet.
Make sure that the emails reach your customers and people who are interested in your restaurant, otherwise it will not be effective.
So you have to build a database with the email addresses of your customers. You can request it in exchange for a subscription to your website or a discount at the restaurant.
3. Create interesting content
If you wonder qwhat to do to promote a restaurantThis is another effective and economical way. Create attractive and interesting content for your website and social networks. Show clients that you are still working and that you are preparing to offer them the best service.
Some content may be the history of your business, if you are doing some remodeling, how you adapt the restaurant to implement security measures, etc.
You can also show how you support your workers; share the best Hispanic recipes from your restaurant; offer tutorials, etc. There is a lot of content that you can prepare to promote your business.
4. Sell gift cards
Offer digital gift cards to your clients. So they can use them in the future, while you generate more income at this difficult time.
5. Home deliveries, Click & Collect and take away food
There are people who still prefer to stay home as long as possible or who must do so because they are in quarantine. But you can still continue to provide services. You have three options that you can apply to serve them:
- Make home deliveries, if you do not have the logistics to do so you can register on platforms such as Uber Eats.
- The Click and collect service consists of the client placing his order and paying online and approaching the restaurant only to withdraw it.
- Finally, it offers takeout food. In this case, monitor hygiene measures well and reduce contact as much as possible.
6. Create relationships with influencers
Influencer marketing is very effective. These people are opinion formers and people trust them. The main thing is to know how to choose the right influencers. If your business is local, try to connect with recognized people in your area to achieve greater effectiveness.
These actions will help you promote a Hispanic restaurant during the pandemic. Do you need more recommendations to carry out your business? We invite you to read our digital magazine and contact us if you are looking for advice.