
Bio Bio Entrepreneurs now have the Hispanic Entrepreneurs digital magazine

POR Hispanic Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs of Bio Bio now have the Hispanic Entrepreneurs digital magazine for dissemination

Hispanic Entrepreneurs Press / Photo: Courtesy CORFO Bio Bio

Last Tuesday, August 25, the official launch of the PAEI (Program to Support the Environment for Entrepreneurship and Innovation) “Hispanos Emprendedores Digital Magazine” was held. Project supported by CORFO Bio Bio, whose main objective will be to help with the dissemination at a regional, national and international level to Bio Bio entrepreneurs. In the digital launch via zoom, panelists were David Bracamonte General Manager of Hispanos Emprendedores, Desiree Ramos General Coordinator Chile and the Regional Director of CORFO Bio Bio Macarena Vera Messer.

Focused on Bio Bio entrepreneurs

The main objective of the event was to explain to attendees what this project consists of, and also what the main objectives of Hispanos Emprendedores would be. Ramos talked a little about the history and how this project came to Chile. In principle, he commented that the magazine was born more than 3 years in the United States, specifically in the State of Tennessee, since the team realized the need that existed to be able to tell the story of many Hispanics, who have started a business, and who have not had the opportunity to tell their stories.

Project supported by CORFO

Regarding the task that Hispanic Entrepreneurs have in Chile, Ramos added “thanks to the impulse that CORFO gives us, we want to be able to tell stories, humanize the work of entrepreneurs a little, who more than numbers are complete families that have dedicated their efforts and lives to their business". Bracamonte, for his part, explained that this project together with CORFO will focus on three digital magazines, where 30 entrepreneurs from Los Angeles will be interviewed, and they will also be trained and trained in various topics, such as digital marketing. In addition, seminars, courses, consultancies, and workshops will be held for the general public in the Bio Bio Region. Hoping to reach a large number of entrepreneurs, who can be part of the community of Hispanic Entrepreneurs.

Ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation

The Regional Director of CORFO Bio Bio, in her participation, commented on specific points; such as the importance of making the entrepreneur in the Region visible, “there are many ventures and entrepreneurs that are not made visible, that are not known. I think we have to start by supporting and sharing, this is what we know as the entrepreneurship ecosystem." Expanding a little more on this topic, "the ecosystem is having a group of common interests that solve problems, pose problems and support each other to solve them. The idea is to have a robust ecosystem to support all entrepreneurs in the region.” The director emphasized that “the entrepreneur has to insist, put a story to the matter. Communication plays a key role, technology has already arrived and is there to take advantage of, this digital magazine is part of the path today to be able to inform ourselves and learn. We must use technology without a doubt.”

How to apply at CORFO

One of the keys that the director sees for entrepreneurs to get CORFO support in a project is “starting a business is not easy, but there is a very important key, that the entrepreneur must inform himself, who has applied for any fund, who has searched help or credits in other places and it did not work, it is because something is happening, something is not right, perhaps they are not explaining themselves well and very importantly they are not in love with their idea or their project. There is a big problem there, the key is to fall in love with your venture, even if it sounds cliché, but it is vital and you can see that.” Hispanic Entrepreneurs will have their registration platform active for all events and to compete to be in the next 3 editions in For more information you can write to If you want to see all the information that the Regional Director of CORFO gave in this launch, you can watch the full video here:
Bio Bio Entrepreneurs now have the Hispanic Entrepreneurs digital magazine