It is essential to know some marketing tips to sell at Christmas in order to get the best possible profitability from your business. Do not be alarmed, in Hispanic Entrepreneurs We introduce you to the most important ones to boost sales.
Christmas marketing
Implementing a good marketing campaign at Christmas is key, because it is the best date for the market. These days the consumption index rises, means the 20% to 40% of total sales for the year.
Most people buy gifts. In addition to this, the number of customers who use the Internet for their purchases increases. So applying a strategy to sell more should enter the list of must-do's.
Marketing in this season serves apart from increasing sales, to position the brand and win new customers. This is achieved by touching the emotions, promoting the exchange and connecting them with their memories, traditions and loved ones. The objective is to influence the purchase decision and loyalty. How is it achieved? Keep reading.
Marketing tips to sell at Christmas
The strategies to attract customers and keep them away from the competition depend on each business. There is no standard formula, because each item has its peculiarities and different audience. However, there are some tips to sell at Christmas that can serve any business. They should only be adapted to these.
The main thing is to be based on family union, illusion, exchange of gifts, etc. We suggest that you implement the following:
1-Prepare the online store
Given the rapid change in consumer habits since the pandemic began, it is necessary to prepare your online store. It is necessary to have this channel ready to receive visitors, for this you must have updated product catalogs.
In addition to publishing accurate information, providing fast and personalized attention through the use of the chatbot.
2-Sell related products
It is important to have products or services that are related to Christmas. If not, try to get them to connect to something.
3-Create different content for networks
It is pertinent to prepare extra content for social networks as they are the communication channels for clients and potential clients. Remember that these platforms expose the brands, so interactive, quality and useful content is essential for this time.
Strive to be original by showing beyond the obvious. Opt for the entertaining and under the Christmas context, it will attract more attention.
Create a content calendar that includes holiday promotions and launches. Appeal to emotions to convince potential clients with phrases that awaken love and compassion.
3-Paid advertising
Within your possibilities, promote the brand, its products or services through a paid advertising service. Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads or Google Ads should be your first options.
With this you will achieve more visibility in less time, the fundamental thing is to generate curiosity about your business. It is based on products, offers and content on social networks. Take care that the publication in the graphic and writing aspect.
4-Launch attractive promotions
Specials for the season work. But for them to be a success you have to, for example, offer free shipping. Aside from presenting the discount in an attractive way, if the value is less than $ 100, use a percentage like 25%. If it's more, use the absolute value, $ 25.
Give the biggest discount you can, it is suggested that it be from 35%. In the text, use keywords such as free, opportunity, limited time, exclusive, gift, etc. You can also extend the trial periods, offer samples, two for the price of one. As well as extended warranty and discount coupons.
5-Do remarketing
This makes it possible to track those who have visited the website. The plan is to re-offer the potential customer the product or service they were interested in. According to several studies, what came to the web and are oriented to remarketing have a 70% chance of taking an action. Efforts would also be focused on clients from the last 180 days
6-Publish gift ideas section
It would be very positive to add a section for gift ideas. It would reach the large number of people who do not have a clear idea of what to buy. But they will do it in a place where they are well advised.
7- Social impact
Do not limit yourself only to selling, seek to have a social impact by supporting charities. At the same time, he asks customers to collaborate as well. It is important to demonstrate the values of the brand and the people who work for it. In this way, an affective bond could be formed between the client and the brand.